Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quick Recap 4/6....

Well, 5-0 is 5-0. 

Today's game ball goes to Phillips.  Three different heads up plays.  He is playing really smart this year, something that he hasn't done in the past.  Good to see. 

Chance to go 6-0 tomorrow with back to back sweeps, who would have thought?

Remember though, not to be negative or anything, but it is only going to worse, not better, so when they lose or don't score runs, let's all calm down and not get too excited.  I know that is not going to happen, but at least I asked.  More tomorrow.  Til next time...



  1. i check it out. curt you need to find a way to add a ticker to see how many hits the blog gets.

  2. I'll check. Schellhause, people read this blog. Just like you tell me people actually follow the Rays. Well I'm telling you, a few people follow this blog. Any suggestions for improvement?

